SNAS Abseiling Course Level 3
Our instructors are not certified to conduct SNAS Level 3 courses. Only Outward Bound Singapore instructors are allowed to certify students. If you are interested, do feel free to contact Outward Bound Singapore for further information.
All information obtained from Singapore Mountaineering Federation Website
SNAS Level 3
Course Code: APCL3
Course Duration: 4 sessions of 8 hours
Prerequisite: At least 21 years of age, Abseiling Proficiency Course Level Two certified.
This course is designed as a follow on from the Abseiling Proficiency Course Level 2. This course equips individuals who wish to lead abseiling activities to acquire the necessary technical knowledge and safety skills.
Passing Standards
Trainees must demonstrate the following course requirements:
Setup a releasable abseil system on natural sites
Demonstrate efficient group management during an abseil activity
Demonstrate rope ascending & descending skills, passing a knot (prusiking)
Perform a rescue technique by means of assisted & unassisted hoist
Understand & application of Risk Assessment & Management knowledge in an abseil activity
Safe equipment handling
Written Exams (40 questions) – at least 80%
SNAS Abseil Proficiency Level Three Certificate – Abseil Leader (Single Pitch)
Revision on essential knowledge on equipment used for abseiling
Knots and Hitches & Rope works
Setting up an releasable anchor system
Anchor system
Belay system
Escape from Belay
Ascend & Descend on ropes (prusiking)
Passing a knot
Abseil without a descend device
Rescue Technique (Z-Pulley)
Assisted Hoist
Unassisted Hoist
Risk Assessment & Management
Accident Management
Legal issues
Group Management
Course Review
Suggestions for further advancement
General discussion and feedback
Instructor Qualification
Course to be conducted by Outward Bound Singapore ONLY
Abseil Leaders must have a valid First Aid Certification and Basic Cardiac Life Support before they can lead / supervise any abseiling activities for others
Abseil Leaders must produce a copy of the APCIII Award Certificate to the Singapore Mountaineering Federation for an application to be an Abseil Instructor (approval of application is subject to submitting a valid First Aid Certification)